May 4th Core Update Winners & Losers – MobileMoxie Round Table – May 29th

At MobileMoxie, we love to discuss new ideas, concepts, and trends that we see in our industry. For years, we have done that at conferences, but now that everyone is traveling less, we thought it might be a fun idea to do it digitally – so we present to you: MobileMoxie SEO Round Table Discussions – This one was great, and focused on the winners and losers of the May 4th Google Core Update. Here is a video of the event:

May 29th: Core Update Winners & Losers

Preliminary Reading from some of our special guests:

Lily Ray

Recovering from a Google Core Algorithm Update with Lily Ray [PODCAST]

550 Winners and Losers of Google’s May 2020 Core Algorithm Update

Video: Lily Ray on recovering after a Google core update

SMX East: Recovering From Core Updates – Lily Ray (from 2019)

Dr. Pete

Google’s May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It’s All Probably Crap

Video: Dr. Pete on why tracking Google ranking updates is important (from 2019)

Aleyda Solis

Analyzing A Recent Google Update Impact via Search Console Data w/ a Segmented Google Data Studio Report

How to do a post Google Update SEO Analysis to recover lost rankings – #CrawlingMondays 14th Episode (from 2019)

Next Up:

June 26th: Changes in Local SEO
July 31st: SEO Agency Changes
August 28th: TBD

Please just tweet to @MobileMoxie with questions, topic ideas and suggestions, and we will work on getting a more official submission form soon – We would love to hear from you! In the long run, if attendance and demand seems to be high enough, we will increase the schedule, and make this a weekly event, but we want to hear from you, if this is something that you would want to incorporate into your weekly schedule.

For each topic, we will try to arrange around four guests of honor, who have a specialty or expertise on the topic area. They won’t do a presentation, though we might ask them to introduce the topic or explain the concept, to help get the conversation going. The idea is to crate a supportive and inquisitive forum for conversation. While debate and disagreement will be actively encouraged, as a means of discussion and learning, anyone who is rude or disrespectful will be ejected from the event, because we want people to feel free to express their ideas in a hostility-free environment.

We will  publicize the details for each event on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere, and hope that you will share the information. We will start the round-table discussion off with a quick explanation of the topic, and the various perspectives that people in the industry have about it. If you have thoughts on the topic that you want to share, we would love to hear them. If you have questions on the topic, we would also love to hear those. If you have ever wanted to discuss an SEO topic with someone in the industry, invite them – this might be your time! These will not be private discussions – They are open to anyone, and they will also be recorded, and published on a YouTube channel, as an audio file, and if we have time, we will try to write up notes and summarize the discussion in a blog post.