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Cindy Krum on passage ranking, PWA, voice search and the new SEO tools of MobileMoxie
Cindy Krum, Founder & CEO of MobileMoxie, and Joost talk about the ever-changing field of SEO. Luckily, both these experts are never out of fresh innovative ideas for SEO. For example, they think about passage ranking, PWA in search results, a JSON-LD only version of a URL and voice search. Listen to this episode if you want to get inspired and discover their take on the SEO future.

Google Passages & Subtopic SEO with Cindy Krum
Loren Baker's guest today on the SEJ Show LIVE is Cindy Krum, Founder of Mobile Moxie. Cindy and Loren will be discussing passages, Sub Topics, the loss of clicks to Google stuff and the future of SEO.