Progressive Web Apps take this concept to the next level by actually adding an ‘app-shell’ file to the mix. The app-shell is linked from theof the HTML, () and if web visitor elects to, her or she can download the app-shell to their phone. When this is done, the website is linked to an app icon on the home screen, just like any other app. When it is clicked, it can load outside of the browser as it’s own entity, show a show a customized loading screen, and display the website without the address bar or browser controls – An immersive app like experience without building an app! The file that makes all this possible is called the App Manifest. It also allows you to set up a short title for the app, which is displayed under the app icon on the home screen, and a long app title, and background color, which is shown when the app opens, and when a user scrolls through their open apps. Someone has already created a great little ‘wizard’ to help you through the process – it is simple to create an app manifest file for your PWA and could take less than five minutes!
Related Terms:
App Manifest